We have an active Lake Association and are proud of the work we have done and continue to do.
The Potato Lake Association was formed on 6/17/1995
Water Skiing/Jet Skiing/Tubing Ordinance # 6 & or 7 Town of Rusk Ordinance adopted in 1965
for Potato Lake Big & Small 9:00 AM-5:00 PM Seven (7) Days a week.
The reason: This keeps the lake relatively quiet for peak fishing times Dawn/sunrise
and Dusk/sunset
Potato Lake Association Elected Officers:
Jim Sterchy……………………..President
Jackie Marquardt………………Treasurer
Kate Skraba……….…………….Secretary
You can email any of the above Officers by clicking on thier names or all at once by using the
Annual Membership Dues $20.00 (bi-annual) - Jackie Marquardt
Newsletter Publications/Mailings - Kate Skraba
Membership Directory - Jackie Marquardt
Advertising & Website Design
For more information regarding the Potato Lake Association: Contact Jim Sterchy 715-642-2983
Spring Meeting is held the first Saturday AFTER Memorial Day.
This is also the annual potluck. If you would like to you can bring a dish to pass to add to the other great dishes.
Desserts are a food group. ;-)
Fall Meeting-is held on Saturday the week BEFORE Labor Day weekend.
[ Be sure to check the Spring and Fall Newsletter for Time and Place for each meetings ]
If you know of a new property owner on Potato Lake, contact Kate Skraba for a
complimentary “New Potato Lake Property Owner Informational Packet.”
The Potato Lake Association has a canopy for rent, it is 12’ X 26’, Industrial Grade
Canopy with 2” white powder coated steel frame and heavyweight polyethylene roof
cover. Rental fee is $30.00 for members & $40.00 for non-members.
See Jim Sterchy for more details.
Accomplishments we made over the years to maintain, preserve, restore and improve the
quality of life for all that use the lake, including wildlife and vegetation as well as for us and
our children and grandchildren. Some of the accomplishments include: Developing the fish
management plan/stocking/cribs and monitoring-the musky creel charting, monitoring the
spearing efforts, testing and monitoring the water quality/oxygen levels, wildlife
preservation-loons, eagles and swallows nesting and habitat, monitoring the good vegetation
versus any invasive aquatic species, purchasing buoys, 2 way radio and defibrillators,
sending members to CPR & First Aid Courses, we were also instrumental in obtaining the
“no fishing from bridge” and 30-35 mph signs, ATV signs, maintaining our shorelines,
(natural buffer), and maintaining the posting at the boat landings. Donations to the Local
First Responders. Saving Brush island from erosion by rip rapping.