Potato Lake Association,  Rusk County, Wisconsin
Potato Lake Association

Saturday, June 4th

Lake Association Spring Meeting 11:00am. Check Spring newsletter for time and place.

The spring Lake Association meeting will be at 11:00am. Please join the Association and attend this

meeting. We need your input on what you would like to see the Association do, what projects we

should undertake and any suggestions you have.

A Potluck will be held immediately after the meeting. Bring a dish to pass if you would like.

We will start out with the almost World renowned Boat Parade, A great family affair.

This is the big fund raiser for the Lake Association, our July 4th Celebration.

Come join us for a boat parade around the lake. It will start at 1:00pm.

Some will decorate their boats hoping for 1 of 4 cash prizes. Most Patriotic, Prettiest , Most Original

and Most Unusual

We will be stopping at each resort for about 20 minutes, if you don’t want to stop at the resorts

please come and wait for us to continue. It will give you time for swimming, fishing or

just chatting with others. If you are in the parade to win the prizes please pickup your number at

least 20 minutes early to pickup a number for judging. No one knows where on the lake the judging

will be done, so keep up the high excitement until we return the Rose’s Bay Resort

After the parade the festivities will continue with Food and Drink, Raffles, Auction, games and other

fun stuff for all.

Again this year the Association will host Fireworks on the lake at at 10:00pm.

Come by boat, car, bus, 4 wheeler anyway you can for this fun night party.

Another summer is now a memory, fall is leaving and winter is

just around the corner. We wish you a Happy Holiday season and look

forward to seeing you when the water gets hard. The resorts comtinue

waiting to see your smiling faces and will have a hot meal and a beverage

waiting for you.

Have a safe and fun winter.

When summer returns the Association will once again have

the July 4th Celebration and Fund raiser. Something to look forward to.